Fire Rated Drywall Systems
Gone are the days of brick structures, construction cement and workers being in your home for extended periods of time. Fire-rated drywall systems have taken the building community and clients alike by storm. Everything you have imagined drywall to be has been extinguished by a new fire rated drywall system. Whether you are adding a partition to a room or building a granny flat, do you understand the precautions that need to be taken in order to keep your loved ones and possessions safe?
How Could Dry Wall Be Fire Resistant?
Our fire-resistant drywall includes a compound Gypsum which traps water molecules within its crystalline matrix. The water is only released at a temperature above 80 degrees Celsius. Gypsum prevents the wall from burning or crumbling until such time as all the water has been depleted. Our Fire Rated drywall system comes in three different options based on your budgetary as well as safety requirements, 30 Minute, 60 Minute and 120 minutes to ensure that your home is safe should there be an unfortunate fire breakout. With glass fibres added into the formula it becomes denser than usual drywall and assists to retard the fire, this in turn assisting with the length of time it would take for a fire to degrade the wall.
The Difference Between Fire-Rated Drywall Systems And Regular Drywall
Drywall can be classified into different categories, namely Traditional drywall, Moisture resistant, soundproofing drywall as well as fire-resistant. The difference between traditional drywall and Fire-rated drywall systems is that the latter serves not only as a safety measure but holds great soundproofing ability too, which is not the case with your traditional drywall. Fire-rated drywall unlike traditional drywall has to undergo a third-party certification process to ensure that they meet safety regulations. This is a very important part of the process as it reassures clients that the time, energy and money they have invested in the renovation of their home or office is guaranteed.
Where would I Be Able To Install A Fire Rated Drywall System?
With partially cut perforations, Combi-cut rolls offer installers the flexibility and convenience to make narrower roll widths, without the use of tools for cutting whilst being robust to allow installation of the full roll width as a single piece. Combi-cut rolls are advanced in compression packaging technology which ensures more insulation per pack. This saves on transportation and storage space.
Where would I Be Able To Install A Fire Rated Drywall System?
With the increasing popularity of drywalling within South Africa, the real question is where would I not be able to install a fire-rated drywall system? Considering budgetary requirements when building a home, the time, labour and material costs of conventional walling the benefits of a drywall system will outweigh your need for interior walling. With a lead time of four days to fully install interior walls the house of your dreams will be ready in no time, as well as coming with a guaranteed fire safety certification. From commercial, industrial, educational to residential the options are unlimited.
At Capco, we provide only the best in Fire-Rated Drywall Systems which comply to all safety standards. Contact us at our KZN branch at 031 569 6090 or our Gauteng Branch at 011 822 8142 to enquire about your building needs.