Ceiling And Drywall Insulation

Ceiling and drywall insulation are key elements of a contemporary home for their energy-saving and planet-saving benefits. Improve your interior quality now!

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Ceiling And Drywall Insulation

Ceiling and drywall insulation are key elements of a contemporary home for their energy-saving and planet-saving benefits. And they improve your quality of life. What’s not to like?

Furthermore, the cost of insulation nowadays is very affordable and the investment is paid off in a very short period. The comfort levels are instant, so we guarantee that you start smiling immediately.

Key Factors On Ceiling And Drywall Insulation

The materials used in quality ceiling and drywall insulation perform their duties by hindering heat flow. They form part of ‘passive design’, which is the reduction or removal of equipment assisted cooling or heating.

It is definitely not one-size-fits-all, so there are different materials for different applications and regions. Their performance rating is called an R-value. The higher the R-rating, the more difficult it is for heat to move through the material.

Passive design also includes considerations like:

  • What direction should the entire building face? North could be too hot.
  • Awnings over windows or undercover patios.

Divers Ceiling And Drywall Insulation Products

Due to the different applications and regional climates, there are diverse ceiling and drywall insulation options.

A bulk insulation material works by utilising the internal air pockets created during its manufacturing process to retard the heat flow.

A reflective insulation material works by bouncing heat off it, although some heat seepage can occur over extended periods.

Combo insulation solutions utilise the actions of bulk insulation with a reduced heat load created by a reflective surface.

Tips For Ceiling And Drywall Insulation

It is not recommended that insulation be installed as a DIY project. If installed incorrectly, there can be a build-up of condensation or heat. The latter can cause a fire when atoms are heated to the point of breaking free of their bonds and then reacting as gases with oxygen. Hence the propensity of fires starting in ceilings where downlights have been insufficiently ventilated.

A professional will look for thermal bridges in your floors, ceiling and walls, and insulation will be recommended for each ‘leaky’ area.

Why Is Ceiling And Drywall Insulation Important?

You can achieve year-round thermal comfort in your home, office, factory, or hospitality venue with ceiling and drywall insulation. You will be astounded by the huge reduction in energy bills, and the planet will love the lowered levels of greenhouse gases.

Ceiling and wall reflective insulation have their total R-value annotated as an up and down value which indicates the heat flow direction via the material. Reflective insulation is usually only used in roofing and ceilings.

Insulated walls have their total R-values annotated as a single figure, and as there is no reflection involved, there is no up or down indicator.

If thermal bridging is not addressed, it will affect the total R-value. In addition, if the bulk product is ‘squashed’ flat or your reflective material becomes covered in muck or dust, it will lose its ability to reflect.

Get your ceiling and wall insulation today with Capco and keep a cool head.